This is an index for the small, but hopefully growing amount of time and effort I put into artwork. I've been inspired by a variety of sources to finally get myself into gear in this regard - initially by my friend Rebekah, and additionally from taking another look at influential illustrators John Howe & Alan Lee, and their works based on Lord of the Rings. Pursuit of the latter landed me on John Howe's website forum, and the friendly members there.   Anyhoo, take a peek - though don't get your hopes up. As before, if you've got any questions, or if you find a dead link or something, don't hesitate to email me Poetry - Yes, I know, not specifically art, though artistic at least. The question would be, if not here, then where? Besides, a good poem should create a mental image. No such masterpieces reside herein, that I'm aware, but feel free to browse my works within. Sketches - Given how I've only recently introduced myself to painting, my sketches still tend to be my best visual work. I can never capture people though, so I predominantly focus on landscapes. |